
The original Shoulder Shirt™ in a sleepwear style. Available in cotton, knits, flannel, fleece and other delightful fabrics for your sleeping comfort.

We have been making shirts since 2008. Shoulder Shirts™ were developed for my mother so she could be stylish and still capable of dressing independently after her shoulder surgery. Our hook and loop closures (velcro like) are the easiest way to fasten your shirt with one hand. Shoulder Shirts™ are custom made and specifically designed so the hook and loop closures do not touch your skin.

Enjoy dressing without discomfort during your recuperation from surgery; all types of shoulder surgery, breast surgery, heart surgery, stroke, hospice or anything that limits lifting your arms when dressing for bed or around the house recuperating. We carry several styles and types of fabric for you to choose from so Shoulder Shirts™ are sure to provide you with a comfortable night's sleep! Our flannel nightgowns are like a warm hug after surgery!! They are also wonderful for breastfeeding at night.

Shoulder Shirts™ make wonderful gifts for friends and family after surgery!! They last much longer than flowers and are so useful in their recuperation. Shoulder Shirts™ also make great baby shower presents for that soon-to-be nursing mom.

Flannel Gowns

Fleece Gowns